Sam's Space

Random thoughts and experiences about navigating life in New York City.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

"Why does Samara look like she's having root canal?"

Thanks Brian for the inspiring comment and title of this post!

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, your face reveals how you're truly feeling. Sometimes, you want something so badly-- so badly that you make excuses, refuse to see situations as they are, and give people second and third chances to be a part of your life. Sometimes it takes a rough Friday night, and a friend of a friend's comment to make you realize what you really want and how you really feel. Or more appropriately, what you definitely don't want.

My Mom was telling me about Ebert and Roeper's review of The Wedding Date. She said Ebert commented about how this is one more movie "where an attractive, intelligent woman can't get a date- yeah that's real believeable". I could give Ebert a real earful. It doesn't matter how attractive or intelligent you are, if you're living in NYC-- and I bet a lot of other places-- it's extremely difficult to get a date. Doesn't matter how much you try or not try. Dating doesn't come easier for the pretty ones or the less attractive ones.

Don't hate Debra's charater. Hey, I wish I would have thought about hiring a date for my brother's wedding, oh wait- I didn't get invited with a date...


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