Sam's Space

Random thoughts and experiences about navigating life in New York City.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

To Rant Or Rave


Let's rant first. UGH, you know what I hate. Really, really hate. When people feel the need to cc the immediate world on emails that are 1) not applicable to everyone AND 2) are not of the most positive sort. So for instance, if you are yelling, criticizing, being mean, or reprimanding someone over email...please, I repeat, please, do NOT cc half the company. It causes unwanted stress, nausea and all over uncomfortableness.....especially on a new employee's second day....

Now for a rave......Buttercup Bake Shop Banana Pudding.....soooooo yummy. Come visit me at work and I will treat you to the most delicious thing you've ever put in your mouth ;-)


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