Sam's Space

Random thoughts and experiences about navigating life in New York City.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

How do you blog?

The more frequently I blog, the more I think about the art of blogging, so to speak. Do you blog multiple times a day? Do you only blog at the same time every day? Do you have a list of evergreen topics to write about when you don't have any other subjects?

I am always amazed at the how different people approach the same task. Case in point, last week when I was spending time in my mom's classroom I was helping each of the kids on an individual basis create a beach scene as their Father's Day gift. I gave the instructions the same way each time but I was amazed to see how each child was creative in their own way. For instance, where each child placed the sun in their scenes. Most children pasted the sun on the upper right hand corner, but there were a few who put it on the left side or half off the edge or even in the middle. It was very, very interesting.

Well, I am definitely a planner. I prepare blog entries in my head, I have a running list of things I want to blog about that aren't time sesitive so I will get to them when I have nothing more important to write about, stayed tuned for some interesting posts about Pedestal Syndrome, Fleet Week, and more!


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