Sam's Space

Random thoughts and experiences about navigating life in New York City.

Friday, August 03, 2007

What Type of Girlfriend Are You?

I was checking out all the blogs I read regularly this morning and came across this iVillage quiz titled "What type of girlfriend are you?

I think this is pretty accurate for me, but it's hard to know without seeing all the other possible results.

The Straight Shooter
You've got a good mix of sass and sensitivity. Sure, sometimes he annoys you. But you do your best to finesse it with a sense of humor and the knowledge that, hey, he's only human. You know a good relationship is like 1940s movie banter -- it's all about the back and forth. Balance is key to you, and you excel at being a peacemaker and solving problems with a firm, but loving, hand. (And, let's face it -- a hand with a nice manicure.)


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