Sam's Space

Random thoughts and experiences about navigating life in New York City.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

This Blog

This blog isn't supposed to be about love and relationships, but I am not going to lie, I will be spending a lot of time covering those topics. For some odd reason, I am obsessed with dating and relationships. Not because I am desperate to get married (I am not even desperate to be unsingle...I am quite enjoying my 'between boyfriends' status) and have kids by the time I reach X age because that's clearly not the case, but because I find the dynamic of relationships between men and women so interesting. It's a hobby of mine. Some people play a musical instrument or rollerblade, I read and think about relationships. It's such a complex and unique topic. There is always some new idea or theory about the interaction between men and women. Trust me, I don't believe every thing I read but it is fun to further my knowledge on a topic that's interesting to me.


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